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Writer's pictureKrystal Chong

Doubt.. Let's talk about it.

Updated: Dec 7, 2022

Hi there,

I wanted to talk about the 'doubt' that comes up when we want something more.

I know how challenging it is to wrestle with it. And I wanted to be honest and practical about it.

Doubt comes up ALOT with my clients at the start of their journey.

They want to change, but they doubt whether or not they can.

I’ve helped hundreds of real life.. big hearted over thinkers … take their anxiety, on average from a 9 to a 2 in 8 weeks, and those results get better with time!

So I know what I’m talking about when I say, with ZERO doubt that it’s 100% possible.

But I also want to be REAL about what it takes to experience change like that.

There are 5 key things to being able to achieve results like this.

But if I share them all at once you may not receive or digest them as well. And I want you to get a real shift here.

So I'm going to be sharing them over a series of 5 emails over the next 5 weeks. Starting with the first one today!

At the end of each email, I'll share a challenge for you to take action to get even more out of it.

The first one is:


Shifting for a second from..

“I’ll always be like this”


"It'll never work"


“But what if I can change.. Then what would my life be like?!”

And - Allowing yourself to get excited about that.

(Stop, take a second, say each of these statements above to yourself, and feel the energy shift between those two types of thoughts).

What we believe becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.

It makes us resign ourselves to something we don't want.

Or ...

It motivates us to make what we want a reality in our lives.

That's why I get so upset about doctors telling me or my clients that we can't change - because I see it happen in real life all the time!

And because when the experts are telling you that, that's what you start to believe and THAT becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.

So ok - we've established that BELIEF is the critical first step...

BUT.. How do you believe something if you haven't yet experienced it?

I find when my clients have doubts, seeing and hearing from others who felt that way but achieved the results they're looking for helps them to believe in their own journey.

That’s what helps them to make their dreams real - and then they inspire others to do the same. It’s such an inspiring cycle, and I’m excited for you if you're ready to begin this.

Here's what past clients have said about their change, so you know it’s possible for you to help give you that belief.

YOUR CHALLENGE: YOUR ACTION STEP: Now I want to challenge you to think about what YOU believe.

Send me a DM @krystalchong or reply here and let me know what holds you back from believing you can change. I'm looking forward to hearing from you!

Verbalizing this allows us to bring our journey into motion! I'm looking forward to hearing what's going on in that big beautiful mind of yours.

PS. If you're ready to fast track your progress, apply here to get my most advanced training complimentary: The 3 Part Framework for: How High Achievers Release Anxiety To Gain Their Deepest Desires.


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